Escape room challenge helps nurses master best practices in stroke care

By Rachel Crowell, American Heart Association News

Bill Hinton Photography/Moment Open via Getty Images
(Bill Hinton Photography/Moment Open via Getty Images)

The room buzzes with activity as a team of nurses races against the clock. But instead of working to manage a medical crisis, they're playing a game that involves tinkering with jigsaw puzzles, black lights and locks to solve medical mysteries.

这些都是研究人员设计的逃生室的一部分,旨在帮助中风护士掌握不断发展的中风护理指南和最佳实践. 密室逃生是一种冒险游戏,在这种游戏中,团队成员通常被锁在一个房间里. They must find clues, solve puzzles or perform other tasks, 所有这些都指向一个目标:在尽可能短的沙巴足球体育平台内打开房间.

"The body of knowledge about stroke prevention, treatment and recovery is growing every day," said lead researcher Siena Kramer, a clinical instructor at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. “护士们不断地将这种不断发展的专业知识转化为改善床边的护理."

而在线学习模块通常用于为护士提供继续教育, Kramer and her colleagues tested the more interactive approach. She will present the findings 周三在凤凰城举行的美国中风协会国际中风会议上.

The researchers developed the escape room in response to two key needs. 近年来,塔夫茨医学中心综合中风中心的护士们反馈说,他们正在寻找更多的互动方式,通过面对面的形式来满足他们的继续教育要求. 这些教育机会必须在不要求护士花太多沙巴足球体育平台远离病人的情况下提供.

中风中心共有75名中风专科护士参加了密室逃生活动. In teams of two to eight, the nurses worked to solve nine puzzles focused on stroke treatment, intensive care, identifying post-stroke complications and more.

In the months following the activity, 中风中心的领导团队审核了护士进行的生命体征和神经病学检查的质量. 这是通过检查中风患者的图表来完成的,以确保这些检查——指导规定必须在特定的沙巴足球体育平台间隔进行——被正确地执行和绘制, said Katelyn Skeels. 她是塔夫茨中风中心的护士经理,也是这项研究的调查员之一. 她说,研究结果主要显示了神经检查质量的提高.



“这是一种创新和吸引人的方式,可以促进护士对中风最新(临床实践指南)的了解," said Nicole Bennett, 麦迪逊威斯康辛大学医院和诊所神经科学重症监护室的护士经理.

"Nurses working in a busy stroke unit are not known for sitting still, so interactive learning activities can be more effective, not to mention more fun, than passive computer-based modules or lectures for retaining new content," said Bennett, who was not involved with the study.

该活动有助于促进不同经验水平的护士群体之间的合作, the researchers said. 许多参与研究的护士在不同的护理阶段看到相同的病人,但通常不直接在一起工作, Skeels said. “我们希望他们彼此熟悉,这样当他们做这些交接时, there's accountability, they're friends, and they know each other."

密室逃生概念“为基于模拟的学习提供了新的思路,鼓励强大的团队合作和有效的沟通," Bennett said. “团队必须团结起来,在一个互动的环境中工作. This requires critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, which can be translated back to the clinical setting."

当护士掌握最新的指导方针,并能将其应用于照顾中风患者, there is a huge potential impact on patient care, Kramer said. “通过在我们的护理和监测中采用最新的证据, 我们能够通过不断扩大的最先进的治疗来改善中风患者的预后."

While the study included just 75 nurses from one medical system, 其他中风中心也可以用最少的资金投入实施类似的项目, Kramer said.

"It's easy to deploy. You don't need a lot of space," she said. "If you can get an extra, small room, invite a couple people in, you don't need a ton of resources to make this work. Just a little creativity."

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